2015 Day of Caring – 9/11
August 14, 2015
Help Needed at United Way’s 2015 Day of Caring to Connect Veterans with Jobs
BOULDER—Project: Return to Work, Inc. (R2W) helps returning veterans, including wounded warriors, and disabled citizens to find meaningful careers with living wages.
The non-profit organization is seeking 25 volunteers to man its call bank during Foothills United Way’s 2015 Day of Caring on September 11th, which will be held at facilities donated by Office Evolution. R2W will train volunteers to alert job seekers that they’ve been matched with potential employers, and also connect them with professional counselors to prepare them for their interviews. This year Safeway—which has a strong track record helping veterans—is recruiting for a number of positions.
Volunteers can register via www.return2work.org (click on GET INVOLVED) or Foothills United Ways Volunteer Connections (click here).
“So many of us want to thank our service people,” notes Rob Brazell, R2W president. “The annual Day of Caring event lets volunteers use state-of-the-art technology—all of which has been donated by sponsors like ReadyTalk, StaffCV and Microsoft—to connect active duty service members, veterans and military spouses to meaningful jobs.” After the half-day event, interested volunteers can continue their service by working independently to match over 8,500 R2W participants to the best positions.
R2W also seeks to recruit new employers and sponsors for the Day of Caring event as well as for long-term involvement. (R2W suggests an optional contribution of $175 per posting to cover core costs.) More sizable private industry sponsorships to support career counselors and STEM interns are also needed. Contact Jason Kamp at http://www.return2work.org/contact-us or (720) 359-1541.

Edward Fenwick, Student Intern
Day of Caring: 8:00 AM – Noon, 4845 Pearl East Circle, Suite 101, Boulder, CO 80301
There will be a picnic afterwards at United Way location. Bring your laptop!
Thank you!