“…Thank you so much for being such a great support to Jamie. She loves her job and it warms our heart to see her so happy and feeling like she is part of the community. We have you and your agency to thank for that.
Many Blessings to you.
Tama [Jamie’s mom]”
I very much enjoyed working for R2W. Not only was everyone very kind, supportive, and patient with me while I was learning the ropes, but they all love working for R2W. The enthusiasm everyone has for what they do comes through clearly and makes for a pleasant, passionate community and work environment. While I was broadening my skillset, I got a perspective of the struggles the veterans and their families face when it comes to finding work: something I hadn’t had any insight or experience with at all previously. I worked hard and enjoyed working hard. Overall it was a very meaningful experience to me, and one I would recommend to others without hesitation.
MOM – My daughter had the opportunity this year to intern with R2W and I felt that she gained invaluable insights into the struggles that veterans and the disabled encounter when trying to secure meaningful employment. Working an honest day’s work and the sense of identity that it brings for someone who has had many challenges was eye opening for her. Having heard me talk about the struggles my own brother helped bring this experience full circle. [Rob Brazell, Founder] and the R2W team displayed a passion and drive to help everyone possible, including making may daughter’s experience as impactful as possible. I would absolutely recommend R2W to anyone looking to help out in this difficult area.
Carly conducted a special 2 week STEM internship for her Senior project in May 2017- 80 hours. She continues to volunteer, helping train new STEM Interns and supporting R2W professionals placing injured veterans into lasting careers.
Kim Anderson trained Carly how to use StaffCV– advanced technology donated to R2W for many years. It distinguishes R2W from others and enables STEM Interns to make a significant contribution to society. We all serve.
StaffCV is an amazing company! They’re from New Zealand and don’t have a stake in our wars but they’ve given and given and given for years. They’ve demonstrated not only the American spirit but also the human spirit that heals wounds and restores families. Everyone at R2W is tremendously grateful.
ReadyTalk is also a key donated technology. Only blocks from R2W’s headquarters, they too have demonstrated great patriotism for years.
Mary Ellen, Volunteer
A number of fellow residents of Anthem Ranch and I were tasked with calling veterans re being part of a data base to test potential products that might help veterans return to work after their service. While many of us were reluctant to be part of such a calling effort, it turned out to be fine as most of the time we just left a message which was provided for us to work with. When I reached people, they were able to say they had work, were grateful for the information and in one case were still in service but actually pulled over out of traffic to talk to me because he considered “Return2Work” an important organization.