June 2023
R2W Volunteers’ Workshop
Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities. Find your best fit, get training, and become productive rapidly. Please join our workshops for volunteers at noon Mountain on Fridays. Online or in-person at Greater Faith Worship Center and other locations. Use our Contact form or call 720-359-1541 for details. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 289 328 730 168 Passcode: 4Z2jTo Download…
Find out more »July 2023
Workshops for Volunteers – Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Host
Join online or in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer positions ranging from an hour at an event to lifetime commitments. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best match, get training, and become productive at these workshops. Start by signing up as a mentor! We're recruiting 300 via grants from Microsoft, Salesforce, and other sponsors. Chuck Wright, R2W DirectorChair Mentors Committee Fern Ballou, R2W Director and Chaplain Ram Krishnan, R2W Senior Administrative…
Find out more »September 2023
Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »October 2023
Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »November 2023
Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »December 2023
Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »Workshops for R2W Volunteers | Host: Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr.
Volunteers are a large part of our charity. We take you seriously. Chris Lites, R2W Salesforce Engineer and Pastor Hosea Cannon Jr., Chaplain of R2W's Board of Director Join us online or in person at noon Mountain on Fridays: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aJd3qkcPmk17gq2L6Uz3gQCq6mKC4bDAElqn5LNaFXGc1%40thread.tacv2/1694016664814?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d80274dd-15ec-4a40-9723-43d26032c3b8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220d93d087-2825-4803-b951-502988514dff%22%7d Call 720-359-1541 for physical locations. We have a dozen volunteer opportunities ranging from an hour at events to a five-year commitment. Something for everyone! Quickly find your best fit, get training, and become productive at our workshops. Please consider…
Find out more »