R2W Connects With CU’s Volunteer Resource Center
Get ready for CU’s Spring 2016 Volunteer Fair! Start your new year off with helping others and come join Project: Return To Work (R2W) and other organizations to learn more about the volunteer and internship positions available.
Project: Return To Work has many STEM internships available including, assistant job developer, assistant employment specialist, assistant technical support specialist, and assistant technical support specialist. Other opportunities include grant writing, fundraising, marketing, and much more. We aren’t only looking for students. We hope to connect with staff who would make great mentors for R2W! Be sure to stop by and check us out to get more details about how you can get involved with this amazing organization! Browse around on our website to learn more about us in the meantime at www.return2work.org.
The event will be held on January 13, 2016 in the Glenn Miller Ballroom from 10AM-2PM. Check out the Volunteer Resource Center’s website under events for more information.
CU Boulder’s Volunteer Resource Center (VRC) just launched their 50th anniversary event last month! Shannon Petro, Volunteer Coordinator and Office Manager, represented R2W. The event recognized the history of VRC’s beginnings as well as the founder of the organization. Not only did the founder present his take on volunteerism and how he started the organization, but other students shared their experiences and how it impacted their lives directly.
VRC helps connect students to volunteer opportunities in the community. The VRC has a lot of great ways for the students to get out and about to support a cause that is special to them. One of those ways is through their Alternative Spring Break Program. This program sends students to locations where you can participate in social and environmental justice issues.
The volunteer resource center has many great connections within the community and it is a great way to get started in civil service. Not only will you get to benefit those in need, but you too will gain valuable experience and participate in meaningful volunteer opportunities.
Check out their website for more information at http://www.colorado.edu/volunteer/
R2W offers four STEM internships to students from high schools, colleges, and universities in multiple states. R2W also offers other student internships. Some include credit and/or small stipends. Follow the GET INVOLVED links at www.return2work.org for details about all volunteer positions at R2W.

Edward Fenwick, Student Intern

Paige O’Connor, STEM Intern

Montek Thind, STEM Intern